Well I guess it's about time that I let you know what I've been doing. Or to be more exact what I haven't been doing. I haven't been on the trainer. Though I miss the bike, the vascular neurologist, or whatever his title is, thought it best that I stay off the trainer for the two weeks that I'd have my cyborg device – EKG recorder – attached to my chest. Tuesday afternoon of this week I did a "Jean Luc" and essentially ripped the thing off my chest so we could box up the thing and send it to some lab in San Francisco. Admittedly, it was a slow rip. I did however have quite a strange collection of little red things on my chest that resembled blood blisters. And with that I left the ranks of the cyborg only to join them again the next day. Wednesday, September 3, 2014. The day I got my hearing aids. I am officially an old man. A gray-haired cyborg. I haven't started watching the sky for flying cubes yet however.
I kept myself busy this past week – well, at least one
afternoon – studying the derivation of formulas to calculate the area and
volume of a sphere. It involved a lot of geometry and algebra. I rejected the examples
that included cutting a ball in half and pouring sand into it and emptying that
into a cylinder of equal height and diameter of the sphere in question. I finally
settled on this guy's excellent, well almost excellent, demonstration. //www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/6EzQEdBX_30?rel=0 and //www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xuPl_8o_j7k?rel=0
I must've been really bored, huh?
During these last two weeks I also read some intern' s "book
report" on an article he read about including spin cycles as part of
physical therapy for recovering stroke victims. Basically his critique was that
it didn't make much difference in recovery and only slightly better when
included with weight training. This guy's probably never been on a bike and if he
has, the bike probably was a fat tired Schwinn when he was age six or seven. Although it
may not make much difference in my recovery time, I really like being on the
bike. So much for experts.
Like to know more? Come see me.
That's all I got for this week.