That was until Kathy came over to my desk and said, “Milwaukie Floral called.”
I could tell by her voice and the set of her jaw that this was not a normal business call.
Before I could make a comment she continued. “The man went to delivery the flowers and your Mom wouldn’t answer the door.”
At this point I am not focusing. My internal vision is presenting me with a panorama of problems added to which I did not need what came next. “The door was open and he could see the lights in the kitchen and lights downstairs.”
“You need to call your Mom!”
I called. Dennis answered.
“Where are you? Where’s Mom?”
“I’m downstairs. Your Mom’s asleep.”
“Are you sure? Will you check?”
After giving him all the pertinent details and most importantly that I need a call back as soon as he can do it with a report! And I hang up.
I go back to the project in front of me… with one eye on the clock.
Kathy’s more worried than I am and before I can say it, she’s at my desk again asking, “Don’t you think he’s had enough time to check on her?”
“I’ll give him another minute and if he hasn’t called…” the phone rings. It’s Dennis.
“She was sleeping.” And he let’s me know that this has happened several times before.
“And why are you there? Why do you have the basement apartment? To watch out for her?” I think it but don’t say it.
“She wants to talk to you…”
She loves the flowers. Of course, she would love dandelions – she’s just that way.
She loves.
She’s my Mom.
What am I going to do when…
D&C 4:3-4
Therefore, if ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work; for behold the field is white already to harvest; and lo, he that thrusteth in his sickle with his might, the same layeth up in store that he perisheth not, but bringeth salvation to his soul. D&C 4:3-4
Every laborer in the kingdom is invited to work for the salvation of souls. By doing so, we bring salvation to our own souls, which is our foremost responsibility. Great will be out joy as we thrust in our sickle with our might to bring others to the Lord and his Church (D&C 18:15-16). Serving others and obtaining our own salvation is a lifelong process of desiring righteousness, earnestly striving to seek after others’ welfare, doing our best to live what we know to be true, and ultimately, relying on the grace and goodness of the Lord. That can seem overwhelming at times, but we must not be discouraged. We must instead go forward in faith – one step at a time. Reach out in love and service to others. Share gospel light with a world desperate for truth and virtue. Live so that others can see what wonderful things Christ has done for you and what he can do for them. (Robert L. Millet and Lloyd D. Newell. Draw Near Unto Me: Daily Reflections on the Doctrine and Covenants. 16)
I love you dad.
We will all be here for YOU & each other when she passes.
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