We did get the tree up. And going against tradition it was decorated by Mom - a week early. I did have some say - it had to be on the floor. Though I guess my biggest contribution was the platform I use to elevate the front tire of my bike when it's on the training stand. If you look closely at the picture the tree in is a large pot. Not completely flat on the bottom. And on carpet that's not good. So I sacrificed for the benefit of the majority. Now the tree stands straight and true. Besides it makes riding in the garage easier - I don't have to ride uphill.
This afternoon and evening Mom and I are getting Christmas eve dinner ready. No rib roast and yorkshire pudding. Pollo al mattone instead. We'll still have crackers and wear our crowns. Then we'll pack the car and go to bed early so we can make the rounds tomorrow.
I've spent Christmas in so many different places that it doesn't matter where I am just who I'm with. And although it is increasingly harder to be with you all in this cabin in the woods, you'll always be in my heart.
Frohe Weihnachten - Buon Natale - Merry Christmas!!!
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