Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life.
For yesterday is but a dream.
And tomorrow is only a vision.
But today well lived makes
every yesterday a dream of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day!
Such is the salutation of the dawn.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Crazy Quilt Dragon 10

Well, I’ve got myself in somewhat of a dilemma. These past few days have been dedicated to my children and their children. An attempt to share something significant from my childhood Christmases. That should be light and fun. But what I’ve gone through in the last week has been anything but. My dilemma? Should I talk about the un-fun stuff? Well, just so you'll know. I haven’t been to work since last Wednesday or Thursday. Most of Sunday was spent at Madigan after missing the ward Christmas party the evening before. I had gone to the Festival of Trees to see Tim’s effort for this year’s Abbott Construction entry. It received the People’s Choice Award and the Children’s Choice Award. As we were waiting for Matt and Honor and the girls we sat on an aluminum bench - which is a wonderful heat sink. We saw all the beautiful trees but by the time everyone was ready to leave I was suffering from a chill that that seemed to only deepen regardless of what I did. So here I am. Having been seen by a physician that can’t do follow-up and now can not or will not refer. At least I have medication. STILL REMEMBER YESTERDAY? YESTERDAY - The pirates give them a small boat to row to shore and sail off. But a magic wave prevents them from getting through the surf. They try again a few hundred down the shore and find the water calmer. Landing n the beach they return to find the Rollie Pollie Policeman but the star is gone from his chest. The Irish-brogued constable explained that a friend of theirs came to collect the star and then ran up the beach in the opposite direction. From the policeman’s description it could have been none other than Crazy Quilt. Our group follows but as they are running along the sand Paddy O’Cinnamon disappears. AND NOW…

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