Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life.
For yesterday is but a dream.
And tomorrow is only a vision.
But today well lived makes
every yesterday a dream of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day!
Such is the salutation of the dawn.

Monday, December 22, 2008


My atomic clock and wannabe weather station tells me that it is 32.3°F on the east side of our house. It’s after 5:00 p.m. and it’s getting dark. The sky has been clear most of the afternoon and the temperature was above freezing a good portion of the day. Not a good mix for driving to work in the morning. But I’m not saying a word. That decision is Kathy’s.
As you see below I said I was off to get a shower this morning.
Problem: There was still a power issue with well #1 and we had no water pressure. So while I waited I went out and shoveled yesterday’s snow off the walks and deck. Cleared the hedges. (It’s fun to climb inside and shake up my own private snow storm.) Clean the cars. And drag limbs. Yeah. They were ours.
I walked down to the association office to make arrangements to have the limbs picked up only find out that the maintenance man had quit. (My next “career?”) So what could I do? Well, since the porch and walk were woefully in need of shoveling, I shoveled. As I was finishing, the office manager poked her head out and said, “Mr. Beecher, we’ve lost power again.” So I walked back up the hill to let JD know why the roads hadn’t been sanded. “Maybe I’ll take the job,” I told him.
As I turned to go home a Saturn Vue crested the hill and we stepped back to see the back end swinging our way. All wheels were locked. Slowly the front wheels turned toward the opposite side of the street and back end crept closer to the car parked in front of JD’s.
“Turn the wheel the other way!” I yelled. He did and things got a bit better. But back wheels were still sliding.
“Take off the brake!” I yelled. And they started rolling straight down the hill. But I guess panic set in as the speed increased and all wheel locked up and they were sliding again.
“Don’t brake! Don’t brake!” I yelled.
They rolled down the hill and out the gate.
I was walking up the driveway and JD called to me. “You work for the highway patrol?”
“No,” I said, “they got openings, too?”
So now the power’s back on again and this time I’m getting in the shower.

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